Your place for meetings, conferences, technical seminars or working sessions in some of our incredible spaces in just 1 hour from Barcelona by car, train or bus.
We give to companies, institutions and individuals the opportunity to rent our spaces and facilities. We have already welcomed some of the most important events in central Catalonia.
Ask for more information about our prices and conditions at: or calling to our telephone +34.93.837.22.31 between 8:00 and 16:00.
Meeting spaces catalogMetres²: 16.000
Altres especificacions:
Per realitzar qualsevol tipus d’activitat cal posar-se en contacte amb el Parc de la Sèquia
Metres²: 100 m2
Nombre de sales: 2
Aforament: 16 i 50 persones
Altres especificacions:
Dues sales de 16 i 50 persones ideals per a jornades, cursos, etc.