Located in the Manresa Agulla Park, the InfoSéquia is the Séquia interpretation center and an information point for visitors. There you can find out about the historical heritage and environmental values of the Séquia and the territory where it is going through. You can also get informed about the tourist, cultural and pedagogical resources that Parc de la Séquia offers to you.
Horaris de tardor, hivern i primavera:
De dilluns a divendres - visites concertades
Dissabtes, diumenges i festius: de 10h a 14h
Horaris d'estiu (27 juny a 11 de setembre):
De dimarts a divendres: de 18h a 21h
Dissabtes, diumenges i festius: de 10h a 14h i de 18h a 21h
*Del 20 d'agost al 11 de setembre l'horari de tarda serà de 17:00 a 20:00h.