Manresa will become the epicenter of a Central Catalonia STEAM project

Published in 20 de December de 2019

The Fundació Aigües de Manresa – Junta de la Sèquia, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and BBVA sign a contract for the launch of this innovative project

This Wednesday, December 18, the start of the STEAM project in action in Central Catalonia, within the framework of a collaboration agreement between the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the Technical Museum of Manresa, was formalized in an act the Aigües de Manresa-Junta de la Sèquia Foundation, promoted by the mathematician Montse Alsina, from the UPC in Manresa, and Eudald Serra, director of the museum.

The event was attended by the Vice President of the Foundation, Josep Alabern, the director of the Foundation, Laia Muns, the director of the BBVA Client Banking Center in Manresa, Carles Caballero, and the UPC representative.

This is how the signing of the BBVA sponsorship contract was formalized, with the start of the new montage of the exhibition “The Mathematics and Life”, a central element of the project that will be interconnected with the permanent exhibitions. of the Museum of the technique. The sample was born in Manresa 10 years ago through the Caixa Manresa Foundation and the UPC’s math department. Since then, she has been curated by M. Alsina, a research professor in the Mathematics Department of the UPC in Manresa, and has returned to Catalonia in this decade with great public success. The exhibition is scheduled to open on January 31, 2020 at the Manresa Technical Museum. Among the new features, there will be renewed panels with a focus on sustainability and digital transformation, proposed by BBVA.

The STEAM project, from the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics, will be a cross-cutting educational proposal that seeks to educate students based on their day-to-day experiences. In addition to the exhibition, multidisciplinary and interactive activities have been programmed, aimed at an audience of 3 to 18 years old, all of them designed and developed by the UPC Manresa. By now there are more than 2,000 students enrolled.

The organization wants the exhibition to become a pole of attraction for these types of activities and, at the same time, to be a speaker for those that take place in other places in the city or in Central Catalonia. One of the first activities will be precisely a training course for the guidance of STEAM activities, aimed at people interested in outreach and education, and with the aim of promoting industrial vocations linked to creativity and daily applications in day. (More course information at: