Published in 28 de October de 2019
The traveling exhibition claims the artistic, historical and landscape values of industrial architecture and presents several examples of recovery of the industrial heritage in Catalonia
The exhibition can be visited from the 18th of October to the 15th of November 2019 at the Museum of the Technique of Manresa (Carretera de Santpedor, 55)
The exhibition has been co-produced by the Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalanes and the mNACTEC and arrives in Manresa with the help of the City Council of Manresa and the Technical Museum of Manresa.
The exhibition “Espais Recobrats. Els nous usos del patrimoni industrial català “explores the reuse of industrial heritage that has taken place over the last few decades in Catalonia. It is a project by the architect Ferran Pont and photographer Teresa Llordés, and has been co-produced by the Fundació Antigues Caixes Catalanes and the mNACTEC (Museu de la Ciència i la Tècnica de Catalunya).
The exhibition vindicates the artistic, historical and landscape values of industrial architecture and presents examples of reinvention in this field, such as the conversion of old factories into museums, schools, libraries or shops. A broad repertoire of ways to address heritage reuse interventions, ranging from interventions of great transformation to those of a minimalist nature, emphasizes the maintenance of the industrial landscape.