Delivery of research work to the Foundation

Published in 10 de June de 2019

Last Friday the research work on water and the technique was carried out as a study object. The event was carried out at the Museum of the Technique of Manresa.

This event was organized jointly between the Pedagogical Resources Center and the Foundation Aigües de Manresa – Junta de la Sèquia and was chaired by the Vice-President of the Fundació Aigües de Manresa – Junta de la Sèquia, Josep Alabern.

The works given are the following:

Study of an industrial process in a company of Miquel López Piqué of the Institut Cal Gravat (Manresa)

Icarus. The dron with bird feathers by Marc Serrajordi and Oriol Garrigós from the Institut Cal Gravat (Manresa)

The water course Laia Postico Parcerisa of the Quercus Institute (Sant Joan de Vilatorrada)

The Calders river: chemical and biological quality of its waters of the Meritxell Estruch Escamez of the Pius Font i Quer Institute (Manresa)

The daphnies. How are the salinisation of the Llobregat affecting them? from Guillem Delis Pons of the Lluís de Peguera Institute (Manresa)