“Aigua i Memòria de la Sèquia” is presented, an education and awareness raising project

Published in 3 de May de 2019

The project promoted by the Aigües de Manresa – Junta de la Sèquia Foundation and Meandre, has received a subsidy from the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Yesterday at noon, at a press conference at InfoSequia (Information point at Parc de l’Agulla), the promoters of the project, explained in what it is and what actions will be carried out.

For Josep Alabern, vice president of the Aigües de Manresa – Junta de la Sèquia Foundation, this project has as a the aim is to raise the awareness of the Sèquia and its importance for the municipalities of its surroundings, linked to the channel. Alabern pointed out that the Sèquia has become the “Bages canal“.

Laia Muns, the director of the Aigües de Manresa – Junta de la Sèquia Foundation, explained the part that the Parc de la Sèquia makes of project, focusing on environmental education aimed at school centers and a family audience. Environmental educational workshops and the natural environment of the Sèquia are being carried out. These workshops are aimed at a family and school audience, and they want us to discover the fauna and flora that surrounds the canal.

The next scheduled workshops are:

  • Trace and fauna workshop in Balsareny (for schools)
  • May 31 dedicated to the schools that have participated in the project.
  • On June 1, there will be an Inspection to the Cardener at the Feast of the River
  • On June 9 , an activity for the construction of nesting boxes for families.
  • Activities for children on fauna and flora at Parc de l’Agulla (July)
  • During the month of July, excursions will also be organized around the irrigation of Manresa.

To find more information on the web page of www.parcdelasequia.cat

Bernat Marquilles, of the Arada social creativity, explained the part that was commissioned by the Foundation and that is related to the most historical and social part. From their experience in social dynamization and interpretation of the territory, they want to help to create a dialogue between the different municipalities. The workshops that will be promoted from the end of May will be in the different towns of the Sèquia (Balsareny, Sallent, Sant Fruitós, Santpedor and Manresa) and combine interviews and workshops with the collection of historical documentation.

By part of Meander, the partner entity, Carles Jódar, stressed the importance of reaching young audiences too. They have done so through the promotion of a short film competition for young people, accompanied by training workshops in relation to the environmental values ​​of the Anella Verda and the Sèquia and the transmission of some audiovisual techniques. Short films can be delivered until May 20th. The bases can be consulted on the Meander website. The winners will be presented within the framework of the Festa del Riu.

The result of all the work, both the environmental and the historical part, will be reflected in a traveling exhibition and in the publication of various triptychs for environmental dissemination. The project ” Aigua i Memòria de la Sèquia “, valued with an aid of € 36,910 and finalized in July 2019, works in the area of ​​education and environmental awareness, for the promotion of sustainable use and conservation of the” Natural environment and the material and immaterial heritage associated with the Sèquia.