Published in 13 de November de 2018
On November 10 and 11, the Manresa Technical Museum hosted two Kapla game days. There were 8 zones and spaces of play, all of them with the pieces of Kapla as protagonists: a space of free play -which can create their own constructions-; a collaborative construction -simulating the construction of the Sèquia-; a domino space-where a piece makes the next fall and so on; the construction of an ideal city; the elaboration of a mandala; a play space for the little ones; a zone of challenges and a space of projections of constructions and destructions.
The CAE makes a very positive first evaluation of this activity, waiting for the next days to be able to carry out a more exhaustive evaluation with all the people involved – the organizing team, monitors and monitors, collaborating entities, etc…
This was the first time that the CAE organized an activity exclusively with Kapla and, also, one of the first to be done in Catalonia.
The Kapla is a construction game created by Tom van der Bruggen from rectangular wooden pieces. The pieces maintain a ratio between their sides of 1: 3: 5 and this allows for quite sophisticated constructions. Kapla is an apt and interesting game for both grown and young. Beyond being an entertaining and exciting game, it is being used in many schools for educational purposes because it allows working on the geometry of space, the coordination of movements or collaborative work, among other skills.
The event was organized by the CAE with the Fundació Aigües de Manresa-Junta de la Sèquia and with the collaboration of the La Xarranca Foundation and the Ludambule Ludoville, from France.