Cossetània edicions publishes “Manresa: where water is the way”

Published in 28 de September de 2018

The volume, edited with the support of Fundació Aigües de Manresa-Junta de la Sèquia, has as authors Josep Alert, Mercè Codina and Josep Huguet

Under the generic title Manresa: where water is the path, Cossetània Edicions has published in the Azimut collection a new tourist guide on the capital of Bages. The volume, whose edition has the support of the Fundació Aigües de Manresa-Junta de la Sèquia, offers a proposal of ten urban routes from two vertebrating axes that give identity to the territory: on the one hand, the farming and irrigation tradition; On the other, the footprint of St. Ignasi de Loyola’s stay, which is a strategic city bet.

From these two conductive threads, the guide – produced with the intervention of the company CatEmocions, SL, specialized in tourist content – proposes the discovery of a landscape not only physical and natural, but also human and cultural, to Through a wide range of information on historical events, characters, anecdotes, customs, curiosities, etc.

The ten itineraries of the guide run along parallel paths to the water obstacles of Manresa -rises, rivers, ditches and channels derived in natural, rural, irrigated and urban areas- on the pretext of following the footprint that peasantry Irrigation has left on the landscape of the capital of Bages, until the outbreak of industrialization. The book follows, at the same time, the places visited in the 16th century by the founder of the Company of Jesus, or who retain their trace.

The work, therefore, shows a city that grows and forms around the water and allows you to travel through places that are unusual not only for most visitors but also for the majority of the people of the city. At the same time, it offers a curious story of seven hundred years of history the bages capital, grafted with the general history of Catalonia.

Manresa: where the water is the way has been prepared by a team formed by Josep Alert, Mercè Codina and Josep Huguet.


Josep Alert i Puig (Igualada, 1966). He has a degree in history, has been teaching and journalism and has worked as a community facilitator and a culture technician. On behalf of the City Council of Manresa, in 2013 he coordinated the Year Amat-Piniella. He is the author of La Barcelona Jewish and La Sèquia de Manresa (with Pol Huguet), edited by Cossetània. Currently working in the field of cultural management and cultural tourism.

Mercè Codina i Gessé (Solsona, 1992). Geographer, technology in geographic information technologies. He has collaborated in the development of TIG tools for the management of the Collserola Natural Park. Amateur for hiking, he has guided groups of children and young people from a listening group for seven years in the Solsonès region and in different places of Central Catalonia.

Josep Huguet i Biosca (Manresa, 1951). Industrial engineer and graduate in contemporary history. He is the author of several didactic works of the social sciences and essays on political issues, as well as a regular contributor to the newspapers El Punt Today and Region 7. Coordinator and promoter of various cultural and nature tourism guides, and the Barcelona Cosmopolis collection, edited by Cossetània and the Barcelona City Council.