Relating implies traveling through the unstable one

Water is life. A simple and concise phrase, the reason for more than one ad campaign because of its role. And what my god of life? Life is a gift. Here is another phrase, too. The two mention concepts that we can consider instruments of each other. Life is an instrument that people have to develop over a certain time. And water is one of the resources that most comes out in the talks. It is a scarce good that often does not occupy the place that corresponds to him. With people the same thing happens.

It is from this perspective that water and people as resources become a source of our care and interest. It is at this precise moment when our intention is clearly manifested. It is time that we leave the open tap without control or we take care to love and preserve what we have in order to increase their possibilities and development. It is the moment when we adopt the role of actors or public. In the same way that we can not understand our survival without the presence of water, we can not perceive the business system without people. People able to lead, manage and achieve the goals that the organization raises. Tell me if not, what can a movie director do without script or actors? Nothing. The result is always linked to our resources.

For a company like Aigües de Manresa, taking care of its workers becomes a present and integrating reality of its organizational values. In fact, it was this way, based on this idea that this article was born and my collaboration with the company as a professional of coaching and training in the work environment. The objective of Aigües de Manresa was to carry out a transformation and development project to build, from an integrative perspective, a relational model towards the improvement of skills and competences in which the individual is responsible and growing.

This project goes through the integration in the corporate culture of the idea that the objectives are achieved with the Work processes, but the quality in relationships is what ensures permanence, fluidity and sustainability. A great discovery! We have noticed that conflicts and growth levers are very commonly found in the area of ​​relationships rather than those of the task itself. Thanks to this revelation, we acquire group awareness when we see that our actions have an impact on the department, but also on the side partner or our collaborator. Once we are aware there is no reverse, we can only work towards change. Step by step, firmly and confidently. With effort and commitment. Joyfully And it’s when we’re in This new landscape, that people reappear the prominence they deserve in favor of efficiency linked to your well-being. Happy workers behave happy systems.

That is why, dear readers, I dedicate myself to accompanying people and companies in stages of change. Change is, like conflict, something inherent in human beings and organizations: it is present in our daily lives. We can not overlook it, but we can decide and choose our attitude towards this change, the energy that I put and the esteem with which I manage it. This is in my power and in your hand. Go by where! Just like every drop of water is unique, each individual is a valuable piece worthy of recognition within the organizational gear.

Raquel Aguilera, CEO of Auctuson

Delivery of research work to the Center of water

On Monday, June 4, the research work carried out by water was carried out as an object of study, at the Can Font Documentation Center. This event has been organized jointly between the Center for Pedagogical Resources and the Can Font Water Center and was chaired by the Vice-President of the Aigües de Manresa Foundation – Junta de la Sèquia, Josep Alabern, Carles Llussà, by the Center of Resources and the responsible and educator of the Water Center, Anna Closes.

The works that will be available to the users of the Can Font Documentation Center are the following:

  • What do people from Navarcles drink? Water comparison by Judith Carbonés Pérez and Helena Verge Mauri of the Gerbert d’Aurillac Institute
  • The mineral-medicinal and thermal waters in Catalonia of the Navy Oliveras Pérez of the Diocesan School
  • Study of the problems of the Golarda stream of Maria Fargas Costa and Aina Franco Roig of the Moianès Institute
  • The life in three drops of water by Aleix Ferrer Vilaplana de la Joviat
  • Comparative study of an aquatic ecosystem before and after Anna Toribio Bermúdez and Rekha Montserrat Pich Ollé from the Lluís de Peguera Institute