Christmas in Parc de la Sèquia

As it has already happened in the last editions, the Parc de la Sèquia has prepared a series of activities in the Christmas environment, aimed at different audiences.

On Saturday, December 23rd, at 6.30 pm, the traditional Christmas Solidarity Concert will take place at the Technical Museum of Manresa (Santpedor Road, 55) with the choirs Font del Fil, La Formiga de Castellbell and El Vilar, and a group from the Music School of Navàs. In this edition, despite the support of the parish of La Mercè, funds will be collected for the renovation project of the Althaia Foundation oncology day hospital. The concert will work through reverse box office.

And on December 27, 28 and 29, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Technical Museum, if they celebrate the traditional Christmas workshops. These workshops revolve around Christmas and sustainability, taking advantage of materials that we can find at home to make another use. The workshops are designed for children from 3 to 12 years old, must be accompanied by an adult and cost € 1.5 per child.

  • December 27th: A MAGIC TREE. We will set up a small tree that will fill our home with magic.
  • December 28th: CHRISTMAS PUZZLE. We will make a well-decorated and very appropriate puzzle for these dates
  • December 29th: A VERY SPECIAL MEMOIR. A picture is worth a thousand words, so we will make a frame, which will make these details more special.